Friday, December 17, 2010

LIRR worker, 730 train to Babylon, with a beard - w4m - 23

I'm assuming you'll never see this but anyway, I was on my way home from work and got on the 730 train to Babylon and sat in the last car. You work for the LIRR and got off at Jamaica and we couldn't stop looking at Each other. You have a beard, you're very handsome. I'm blonde, was listening to my iPod.
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Matt wants you to speak UP: There's a chance you can take the 730 for a week or longer and sit in the same car to see if you bump into him but check for the wedding ring and then talk to him. Start casual or not but go for it. Chances of him checking Craigslist and finding your post is less likely than the real life bumping into. Also if we couldn't stop looking at each other means he saw you looking then cool....but men need very blunt signs like staring from women with smiles and/or a wave or tap on shoulder or sit next to us or something...especially on a train at the end of the day coming home from work...I'm just saying 23 yr old blonde with an ipod - maybe listen to more gwen stefani?!

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