Wednesday, December 15, 2010

public relations (PR) person with media contacts and know-how (It's all about who you know)

The pay for this gig is $18/hour plus bonuses ($200 to $2000) for specific successes in getting us visible press. You track your hours and provide summaries of progress and of how your time is spent. Our office is in West Chelsea (gallery district).

We are looking for someone to help us get the word out about our innovative e-learning product in the field of language learning. Are your friends and associates writers (freelance or staff) who are publishing in major publications (e.g. NY Times, Time, Newsweek, Wired, Atlantic, Harper's, New York, Conde Nast, Reuters, AP, etc.)? Maybe your Rolodex is full of good contacts? You know how to get things done in PR and marketing? We can pay you an hourly and reward you further for your success.

If you are interested, reply with a response that includes the following three items:

1) A custom response to this ad telling us about yourself and why you would be good at this.
2) a resume (attached or in-line)
3) Two (2) references who can speak of your work in this field. Include both phone numbers and email contact addresses. Tell us what you did for them.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Matt's Translation: We want to pay you for your rich and powerful friends list -- not pay you a lot, well it depends on A) How BIG your contact are and B) What they can do for us

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